The Probus club of Homebush was initiated by the Rotary Club of Strathfield in the Rotary year 2018-2019 when Charles Pitt was President and Thaya Ponnah was Community Service Director
The establisment of the Club came from the Strathfield Rotary Probus and senior citizens committee. Chaired by Past President Raymond McCluskie the commiittee which included PP Roger Vince worked with Probus South Pacific to set up an interest meeting on 13 May 2019 at Strathfield library.
At thie intrest meeting a management committee was established with newly elected President Brian Clark, Treasurer Chris Loga and Secretary Dinesh Garg along with Janelle Watson, Roger Vince and Raymond McCluskie.
The first meeting of the newly established Probus Club of Homebush Inc met at Strathfield Library on Monday 3 June 2019.