The Hollywood Kings Park Probus Club Committee has considered optimal club membership numbers taking into consideration venue size and the opportunity for club members to get to know each other. The decision has been made to cap membership numbers at 80. Any further membership applications will be waitlisted.
Hollywood Kings Park Probus Club welcomes visitors who express an interest as prospective club members. Visitors who are prospective members to the club, may attend up to 3 meetings prior to joining.
Membership Fees
Joining Fee: $30.00 BY DIRECT DEBIT PLEASE.
Membership Subscription $120.00 BY DIRECT DEBIT PLEASE.
The Probus Membership Year is April 1 – March 31.
The Annual Fee is due and payable on April 1, 2024.
Electronically / DIRECT PAYMENT is preferred due to bank charges.
Electronic payment details are: Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 066-103
Account number: 10491448