Gympie Probus Club is a group of people from all walks of life who come together with one main aim. That is to enjoy life!
This aim is fulfilled within the club in many ways. The Club monthly meetings are held in Gympie Bowls Club, Southside each third Wednesday and this is normally followed by lunch at a local venue. The meetings are usually lively and entertaining and after morning tea we have a guest speaker to entertain and or enlighten us.
The club organises day trips and longer tours away, which are always popular.
We also have interest groups within the club. We have a Book Group. This group meet each month and discuss the book chosen for study and it is a wonderful learning and social experience. We also have the Tech Savvy group. This group meet at the Gympie Library regularly to learn how to use our devices and computers effectively. Library staff facilitate the lessons and the group environment promotes understanding and learning. We hava a Talk About group. This group meet and to discuss a topic in detail with the aim to enrich our lives and hopefully the lives of others. Some members play croquet. More groups will pop up in the future.
The activities calendar for the club is very busy and more will be added as time goes by.