The Goodna-Springfield Combined Probus Club Inc.
is a combined club for men and women
The club meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except January)
at 1.30pm at the Camira Friends and Neighbours Hall
7 Bruce Lane, Camira QLD 4300
Our club was formed in November 2008 with 14 Founder Members. Today with a membership of 50 we adhere to the Probus Motto of FRIENDSHIP and FUN in Retirement.
Our monthly meetings consist of about 15 minutes of club formalities including reports from our Activities, Outings
and Guest Speaker officers about forthcoming events. A 5-10 minute slot is filled by a member on a topic of interest.
Time permitting, we will often have a fun game of two-up before afternoon tea.
A Friendship break and afternoon tea gives members a chance to mingle and chat. The second half of the meeting is reserved for our guest speaker and we have had a great diversity of speakers on a number of wide ranging and very interesting topics.
As well as our regular monthly meeting, we have a monthly coffee morning and also a monthly lunch. The venues and
days for these events alter every month so members with other commitments are able to attend. These events are an
ideal way to get to know your fellow Probians better, and we encourage our members to participate in these functions whenever possible.
Our Outings Officer organises at least one outing per month. This may be a movie day, a picnic in a park or a bus or
train trip to somewhere interesting. Members are encouraged to be fully active participants in our club activities and suggestions are always welcome.
Our monthly newsletter gives information about forthcoming events, guest speakers, as well as other interesting snippets.
Visitors are always welcome and there is no charge for a first visit. A visitor may attend 3 times to help them decide if
they want to join the club. Our membership joining fee is a once-off $25. An annual subscription of $25 per year -
or pro-rata for a partial year is also payable. Members pay $5 for each monthly meeting which helps cover hall rental, afternoon tea and a lucky door prize. This fee is charged as a lump sum of $45 annually (or pro-rata) due with the
annual subscription. Renewals are due by the meeting following the AGM in March.
Check the monthly newsletters for updated information and activities.
Celebrating our 15th Anniversary November 2023