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Ellenbrook Combined Probus Club Inc

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General Meetings


The Ellenbrook Combined Probus Club Inc. holds its general meetings at the Woodlake Community Centre,  2 Highpoint Boulevard, Ellenbrook commencing at 10.00 am. The meetings are held on the first Monday of the month except on public holidays and in January.  

The general meetings commence with a short business meeting, followed by morning tea and a presentation by an invited speaker from a wide range of interests.

The 2021 dates and details for these meetings are

1st February

8th March - General meeting and AGM

12th April

3rd May

14th June

5th July

2nd August

6th September

4th October

1st November

6th December

Committee Meetings

The Ellenbrook Combined Probus Club Inc. holds its committee meetings at the Woodlake Community Centre,  2 Highpoint Boulevard, Ellenbrook commencing at 10.00 am.


The 2021 dates and details for these meetings are

18th January

15th February

15th March

19th April

17th May

21st June

19th July

16th August

20th September

18th October

15th November