We are a friendly Club with a wide range of interest groups and social activities
in which our members participate.
If you enjoy
Traveling, whether it's local, interstate or sometimes overseas;
Getting to know new people with similar interests;
Keeping your mind and body active;
Having cuppas with friends, dining and chatting
or new to town and would like to get to know people
Come and join us, we offer opportunities for all of the above.
The purpose of this is to provide companionship and to encourage
us to stay physically and mentally fit.
Our General Meetings are held on the first Tuesday each month at 10.00 am.
The format of these meetings includes sharing information about interesting
and informative topics and upcoming activities and events.
Our Club welcomes visitors and prospective members to meetings. Attendance can be arranged
by contacting our Secretary Aileen Dellar via email, as per the 'Contact Us' option on this website.
Members have contributed to the contents of this site by sharing ideas and memories. However, because
this site has limited functionality, blue 'hot links' are used to open the items you might like to visit.
When members have suitable content they would like uploaded to this microsite, they should email it to
our secretary Aileen, before it is uploaded to the site.
Thank you, Joyce (site administrator)