Minutes of General Meeting
held at 9.15 am, Tuesday 4th February 2025 Uniting Church Hall, 22 Elizabeth St, Coolum Beach
1. Welcome by President (Rob Bandiera)
Rob opened the meeting at 9.30am
Good morning and welcome members and visitors to the Coolum Beach Combined Probus Club and our first meeting for 2025. I know its February already but Happy New Year. We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful festive season and are feeling refreshed as we head into 2025.
2. Health and Safety
Rob pointed out the emergency exits and the toilets.
Reminded everyone to SIGN IN on arrival, with our Registrar Keith Symonds.
In An Emergency we will need to have the names of all members and visitors on site and account for everyone.
He thanked Brian and Pat West for their continued service as our safety officers.
3. Humour (Raoul Leach)
Raoul shared two jokes with us today, the 1st about a Mercedes dealer, an old couple and a young blonde and the 2nd was about the Lawyers asking grandma ‘Do You Know Me’?
4. President’s Report (Rob Bandiera)
Since the last meeting there was a Management Committee meeting held on Tuesday 19 November at Surfair Hotel Marcoola at 10am. Minutes of that meeting are available at the back table for those interested.
We had our Christmas party at the Bli Bli hotel on Tuesday 3rd December. We missed Santa’s Elf due to illness and Santa did make an appearance however he was disguised in his civilian clothes. Greg Baldock provided some great entertainment with many members joining the Christmas carol singalong. Many thanks to all the committee for assisting with the event including the quiz masters – Bev, Marilyn and Teena.
On Tuesday 21 January we held our first outing for the year at the Sunshine Beach Surf club which was well attended.
Book club will resume meeting next week. We are still looking for more members to join the book club if you have an interest in reading. Please speak to our co-ordinator Robyn Higgins if interested.
The Management Committee is meeting next week at 10 am at Coolum Beach Surf Club. This will be an important final meeting for the current members.
At our next meeting on Tuesday 4 March there will also be an AGM when annual reports will be presented and new committee appointed.
Under the club’s constitution, all members of the current management committee are required to stand down next month. According to the club’s by-laws, if practical, we should alternate the President’s position between male and female members. So we need a female to step forward this year. There are nomination forms on the chairs. Brian West has kindly accepted the role of Returning Officer.
The following Management Committee roles need to be filled. Some members of the current committee have graciously offered to stay on. Unfortunately, due to other commitments I can only stay on the committee “ex officio” as the immediate past president.
Vice President
Outings, Activities and Tours Officer
Guest Speakers Officer
Probus South Pacific Management Committee provided the following statement to be included in club newsletters. I will read their statement.
“I know that you all value our Club and urge each of you to consider nominating for one of these roles. All you need is the willingness to give back to the Club that you have benefitted so much from, you in turn get to share your knowledge, ideas and experience with fellow members.
With a co-operative attitude, and a little bit of time, our Club can continue to give us all the opportunity to stay connected and participate in a range of activities and outings.
You will benefit too by knowing that you have helped fellow retirees enjoy Probus fun and friendship. A Management Committee role helps build confidence and allows you to share your ideas, knowledge and experience with fellow members. It can be very rewarding working behind the scenes to make our Club run smoothly. A Committee that works well as a team, grows as a team.
Current Committee members will be happy to provide guidance and advice. If you need any further information about any of the positions, please speak to a Management Committee member. A description of each role can be provided.
PSPL provide comprehensive support in so many areas, you will not be alone and “Many hands do make light work” - I ask you all to think about how much you enjoy Probus and what you would do without it.
I know that each of you have so much to offer our Club. Please put up your hand and help your club and community.”
I mentioned at the last meeting that the club now has a website operating. The Management Committee has had time to review the website and provide feedback. We will send out the URL to all members with the monthly meeting minutes. You need to click on the URL and within your search engine (google, chrome etc) save the URL as bookmark or favourite. There are several photos from Probus events and recent monthly meeting minutes. We will continue to develop and update the site.
5. Attendance, Apologies and Birthdays (Keith Symonds)
Our Registrar, Keith commenced his report by thanking our Safety Officers Pat and Brian West for their excellent first aid skills in assisting him with a leg injury he sustained while wrestling with a chair.
He then reported that there were 32 members and 1 guest in attendance at the meeting totaling 33.
Apologies were received from: Pauline Blaney, Garry Reynolds, Larry Hoffmann, Sandie & Phil Grimes, Jen & Kim Homewood, Jill Kennison.
Birthdays in January 3rd Beverley Robertson, 9th Denise Hayes, 15th Bev Frizzell, 29th Sandie Grimes, 31st Helen Verhage. February 9th Dianne Greenhalgh.
Guests: Julie Parker.
Visitors: Speaker – Mark Hayden.
Please notify The Registrar if you cannot attend next months’ meeting: Keith Symonds on 0416275590 or by email [email protected]
Now in it’s 3rd year, Keith is still looking for exciting new venues. This month he had a ‘Pretty Woman’ moment while trying out a Restaurant in Kawana.
So the February Lunch will be at Tziki Bar at Unit 8, 330 Mons Road Forst Glen. Wednesday 12th at 12 noon.
7. New Member Inductions (Rob Bandiera)
Over the past Probus year we have inducted four new members. Linese Norrish, Kay Knobel, Halina Slesarewich and Norma Donnelly. I was hoping to double that number today, but alas the Homewoods had another commitment today but we do have two new members.
I invite Peter and Liz Vines to come forward please.
Probus clubs throughout Australia and New Zealand provide opportunities for senior members of our community to join together in friendship, fellowship and fun. I invite you Liz and Peter Vines to become members of our community and to participate in the activities of our club.
I now have the pleasure in inducting you into the Probus Club of Coolum Beach Combined and present you with your Probus certificates, name badges and other Probus information.
Members please welcome Liz and Peter Vines to the Coolum Beach Combined Probus club.
Peter spoke for both of them letting us know that they have recently moved to Coolum for the winters, having followed their son from Gipsland.
Thank you Peter and Liz, welcome to the club.
8. Secretary’s Report (Marilyn Parker)
The November Minutes were emailed out, I don’t remember getting any discrepancy reports although I did find that our President Rob went to the October Gourmet Gluttons Seafood Dinner while the rest of us had a lovely Lunch. If there are no objections, I’ll call for acceptance of the November Minutes. Moved by Allan Hayes and seconded by Lorelee Jones. |
The December Retirees Magazine from PSP was emailed out on 12 Dec. There were Two Committee Member updates from PSP on 12th and 28th Jan. |
The January Retirees Magazine from PSP was emailed out on 22nd Jan. |
And we have the February Qld Probians Magazine received today to be sent out. The Heritage Tramway Walk, in Mons Road Forest Glen. It is the track where the original tramline ran between Palmwoods and Buderim. Full shade, level gravel path with information boards and resting places along the way. It is 2kl for the full trail and then return by the same path, we can turn back at any time if everyone wants to get back for the Coffee |
at Kunara Organics Café which is down the hill at the Forest Glen Mons Road Roundabout. If you are interested in this walk, please add your name to the list that is on the back table. I |
will email some information out later in the month as a reminder and in case you are unsure about coming. Finally please nominate yourself or someone else for a position on the 2025 Management Committee. Nominations can be accepted at the March meeting. I move acceptance of this Secretary’s report by Faye Morris Seconded by Allan Hayes. Thank you, have a safe and happy February. |
9. Treasurer’s Report (Noel Frizzell)
LEDGER BALANCE B/F 30th November 2024 = $ 2325.89
PLUS INCOME FOR December 2024 = $30.00
TOTAL : = $ 2355.89
LESS EXPENDITURE FOR December 2024 = $1082.45
NETT RESULT: = $ 1273.44
Noel moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report seconded by Bev Wilson.
For All Payments to the Club, please pay the Treasurer by one of the following:
1. Bank Transfer: Coolum Combined Probus Club. BSB: 084620 ACC: 048929505
2. Cash: To The Treasurer, in an envelope with your name, amount, payment reason.
3. Post cheques: The Treasurer Coolum Beach Probus Club; at 2/48 Cinnamon Ave, Coolum Beach 4573.
Club Discounts – The Coolum Beach Hotel now have their own App. For club discount points and prizes. $10 joining fee. The Monty’s Card is still recognized at other venues around town and Coolum Probus receives 5% discount.
10. Outings, Trips & Tours Report (Beverley Robertson)
Tuesday 18th February
Lunch at Northshore Tavern, 698 -706 David Low Way, Pacific Paradise
Tuesday 25th February
Coffee morning at Divine Cafe, Shop 8 1770 David Low Way, Coolum Beach
Meet at 10 am for Coffee, Tea, and food of your choice.
All visitors are welcome to come and join any of these outings.
If you dont have your name on the list but would like to attend any outings, please contact Beverley: email [email protected] or phone 0448 149 667
11. Club Connections (Dawn Bandiera)
Dawn is keeping an eye out for opportunities for our club to combine with other Sunshine Coast clubs in sharing the cost for bus trips.
One Musical coming later in the year is ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ more information to come.
12. Welfare Report (Pauline Blaney)
Nil to report.
Pauline asks that anyone who would like to contact her about Health and Welfare to please
do so by: email: [email protected] or phone: 0413 121 357 13. Raffle Draw
13. Raffle Draw
B20 won the Red Wine for our visitor Julie Parker. O95 won the White Wine for Bev Frizzell.
Thank you to Robyn Higgins for organising the prizes
14. Morning Tea
Today’s goodies have been provided by Averil Way, Faye Morris and Allan Hayes (who has had sausage roll cooking lessons from Peter Vines).
Could members please put their names down on the foodies roster for 2025. Many thanks to our catering ladies in the kitchen Denise, Carol, and Pam.
15. Guest Speaker
Todays guest speaker was Mark Hayden from Home Instead Service Providers.
Mark gave an excellent explanation of the process involved when dealing with In Home Care, My Aged Care, Assessment Funding and time lines for home packages.
Be Prepared, do research for local businesses, update your family and supporters. Thank you Mark.
16. General Business
We have been asked by the Uniting Church to sweep the hall floor after each meeting. This is a new requirement. Let’s all help with this duty.
Thanks to John Hargreaves and various helpers for setting up the hall today. Thanks to our speaker Mark Hayden.
17. Meeting Closure & Venue for Lunch
The meeting closed at 11.25 am
Lunch is at the Coolum Surf Club booked for 12pm
18. Next Meeting
The next monthly General Meeting and AGM will be held on Tuesday, 4th March 2024.
Minutes of General Meeting
held at 9.15 am, Tuesday 12th November 2024 Uniting Church Hall, 22 Elizabeth St, Coolum Beach
1. Welcome by President (Rob Bandiera)
Rob opened the meeting at 9.25 am
Good morning and welcome members and visitors to the Coolum Beach Combined Probus Club and our November meeting. The year has flown quickly again with only 43 days to Christmas.
We are having our Christmas party this year at the Bli Bli Hotel on Tuesday 3rd December. There is a sheet at the rear table if you could please add your names so that we can finalise numbers.
We hope you can all attend this last fun event with Greg Baldock entertaining us, quizzes and prizes and maybe an appearance by Santa!! We have our own room so that we can make as much noise as we like.
We recently celebrated the club’s 35 years’ anniversary. On 4th November Probus NZ celebrated its 50th anniversary. A Sunshine Coast Rotary Club has the following information on their website: Initiated by Rotary, Probus is a not-for-profit organisation with Clubs in all States and Territories of Australia, New Zealand and 21 other countries. It provides retirees and semi-retirees the opportunity to connect socially, exploring new interests, and maintaining an active role in their communities.
The core goal of Probus Clubs is providing meaningful support to encourage active and enjoyable social participation. By working together, the problems associated with social isolation can be reduced. Older people who are in good health, live in safe communities, have satisfying relationships, and experience meaningful roles in society are likely to be the most socially engaged and to remain contributing members of their local and wider communities for much longer.
The club now has a website operating with the help of Priscilla Franklin and Marilyn Parker. We will send out the URL to all members with the monthly meeting minutes. You need to click on the URL and within your search engine save the URL as bookmark or favourite. There are several photos from Probus events and meeting minutes. We will continue to develop this website.
2. Health and Safety
Rob pointed out the emergency exits and the toilets.
Reminded everyone to SIGN IN on arrival, with our Registrar Keith Symonds.
In An Emergency we will need to have the names of all members and visitors on site and account for everyone.
He thanked Brian and Pat West for their continued service as our safety officers.
3. Humour (Rob Bandiera)
Unfortunately, Raoul was unable to attend today’s meeting to share some of his humour. However, I was able to hack into his computer but could not find his file with jokes. But I
did find some interesting videos to share!! (Videos played, Skits from last Christmas party.)
4. President’s Report (Rob Bandiera)
Since the last meeting we had a book club meeting in the second week of October with a small group due to several absences. We are looking for more members to join the book club if you have an interest in reading. Please speak to our co-ordinator Robyn Higgins if interested. There was a management committee meeting on October 8th. The minutes of the meeting are available on the back table.
On the 10th October the Gourmet Gluttons group had lovely lunch despite the rain, at the
Sole Seafood Restaurant in Marcoola. In the third week there was a BBQ Boat cruise on
the Maroochy River organized by Keith and Allan. It was memorable in that after the
delicious BBQ lunch we found all three boats stuck on the river bank as the tide had gone
out. There was much exertion and help from local fishermen to dislodge the boats. As I
was Captain of the first boat to depart, I was wrongfully accused of abandoning the other
boats. In my defence, the four women crew on my boat threatened mutiny and to throw
me to the sharks if I did not head the boat back home. Luckily we all made it back safely
to base. In the fourth week, there was large attendance at the coffee morning held at
newly opened Divine Café and Bar in Coolum Beach. On Thursday 24 October we held our
second walking group starting at Stumers Creek including coffee break @ Divine Café and Bar. Many thanks to Marilyn for organizing this new activity for the club.
There will be a Management Committee meeting next Tuesday 19th November at Surfair
Hotel Marcoola at 10am. We will be finalizing plans for the Christmas Party on the 3rd
December, looking ahead at events and committee for 2025.
I would like members to start considering a role on next year’s committee particularly new members.
In a recent newsletter from PSPL ..... Management Committees should now be preparing to call for nominations for their AGMs in March.
Usually a Club’s Constitution will state that nominations should be called for at the meeting preceding the February meeting. This means that if a Club is not having a meeting in either December or January, it should be calling for nominations at its November meeting.
All members of the current management committee are required to stand down next year. According to the club’s by-laws, if practical, we should alternate the President’s position between male and female members. So we need a female to step forward next year.
5. Attendance, Apologies and Birthdays (Keith Symonds)
Our Registrar, Keith reported that there were 25 members and 1 guest in attendance at the meeting totaling 26.
Apologies were received from: Helen Smith, Raoul Leach, Robyn Higgins, Jennie & Brian Smith, Peter & Liz Vines, John Boakes, Dianne Greenhagh, Helen Verharg, Denise & Allan Hayes, Faye Morris, Larry Hoffmann, Kim & Jennifer Homewood, Phil & Sandie Chrimes.
Birthdays: 11th Nov Norma Donnelly, 21st Nov Phil Chrimes, 11th Dec John Hargreaves, 17th Dec Priscilla Franklin, 18th Dec Garry Reynolds, 18th Dec Brian Smith, 19th Dec Raoul Leach.
Guests: Bernice Dudley (left early) Visitors: Nil.
6. New Member Inductions (Rob Bandiera)
Probus clubs throughout Australia and New Zealand provide opportunities for senior members of our community to join together in friendship, fellowship and fun.
I invite you, Linese Norrish to become a member of our community and to participate in the activities of our club.
I now have the pleasure in inducting you into the Probus Club of Coolum Beach Combined and present you with your Probus Certificate and your name badge as well as other Probus information.
Members please welcome Linese Norrish to the Coolum Beach Combined Probus club.
Linese, introduced herself and shared some of her history including many Community based projects. Thank you Linese and Welcome to the Club.
7. Secretary’s Report (Marilyn Parker)
One discrepancy was found in The October minutes. Keith didn’t have tea with Halina but he did have a cup of tea. But Other than my English lapse, if there are no objections, I’ll call for acceptance of the October Minutes. |
Moved by Beverley Robertson... seconded by Loralee Jones. Correspondence during this month included: |
2/10 Email received from PSP with information on October Probus Month. |
October Meeting. Garry Renolds emailed to a few of us with an article and photos from the 55’s Lifestyle Magazine, He was on a big date night with his girlfriend Celine, travelling to Brisbane on the Train enjoying the new 50 cent public transport fare. Big spender. I will email it to you all, if that’s ok with Garry. As Rob mentioned, this is our final meeting for the year as we have the Christmas Party on |
the 3rd of December. Our October walk was from Stumers Creek to Coolum Beach with a stop at the Divinity Café. 10 of us ventured out for the walk, I forgot to take photos so by the time I remembered there was only John, Brian and me left on the return track with the others |
opting to return by the road footpath. The November walk will be on Thursday 28th November, The Yaroomba Bushland Park is in Warran Road just opposite the Palmer Resort Lions. It is a shaded track which loops around in a large circle. The track is well maintained, a few small tree roots but no rocks or gravel and it is level with a bit of boardwalk. And There is the Wagtail Café nearby out on David Low Way to finish off. If you are interested in this walk, please add your name to the list that is on the back table. AND finally, Christmas Party Dress ups for fun and prizes, only 3 weeks away, so don’t forget to get into the spirit of the occasion and get planning. |
I move acceptance of this Secretary’s report by Dawn Bandiera Seconded by Garry Reynolds. Thank you, have a safe and happy November. |
8. Treasurer’s Report (Noel Frizzell)
LEDGER BALANCE B/F 30th September 2024 = $ 2644.91
PLUS INCOME FOR October 2024 = $855.35
TOTAL : = $ 3500.26
LESS EXPENDITURE FOR October 2024 = $1577.42
NETT RESULT: = $ 1922.84
Keith Symonds moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report seconded by Sandy Schumacher.
For All Payments to the Club, please pay the Treasurer by one of the following:
1. Bank Transfer: Coolum Combined Probus Club. BSB: 084620 ACC: 048929505
2. Cash: To The Treasurer, in an envelope with your name, amount, payment reason.
3. Post cheques: The Treasurer Coolum Beach Probus Club; at 2/48 Cinnamon Ave, Coolum Beach 4573.
9. Outings, Trips & Tours Report (Beverley Robertson)
19th November
Lunch at Surfair Hotel, 923 David Low Way, Marcoola.. We will meet at 12, for drinks, followed by lunch.
They have a lunch menu, and a couple of senior choices, lots of drinks and a cool outlook over their pool and gardens.
26th November
Dawn and Rob are kindly hosting our next Coffee Morning Tea, at their home, 43 Third Ave, Coolum Beach.
All are welcome, and we will meet there at 10am.
28th November
Yaroomba Bushland Park, Warran Rd, Yaroomba, for this month's walk. Meet at 9.15am, it’s a 20 minute, shaded, flat ground circuit.
All visitors are welcome.
If you don't have your name on the list but you would like to attend any outings, please contact Beverley : email : [email protected] or phone 0448 149 667.
10. Welfare Report (Pauline Blaney, Keith Symonds)
Keith’s welfare will improve now that Pauline has returned from her extended holiday. His face is already looking very good. He can’t believe how many people got sick while he was filling in for Pauline.
We are pleased to see Halina back from her illness. Raoul Leach is home from hospital and recovering. John Boakes is back in hospital with his Thyroid. Dianne Greenhalgh is having knee treatment. We wish them all a speedy recovery.
Pauline asks that anyone who would like to contact her about Health and Welfare to please do so by: email: [email protected] or phone: 0413 121 357
11. Club Connections (Dawn Bandiera)
Dawn discussed the combined outing with Noosa Probus Club to see the musical Wicked in Brisbane which was well organized and enjoyed by a small group from Coolum. A very successful outing.
Dawn will keep members posted of further opportunities next year.
12. Raffle Draw
A95 won Beverley Robertson the White Wine. D44 won Garry Reynolds the Red Wine.
Thank you Robyn Higgins for supply of the prizes.
13. Morning Tea
We will now break for about 30 minutes for morning tea.
Today’s goodies have been provided by Robyn Higgins and Bev Frizzell. Bev’s slices are very popular !
Could members please put their names down on the foodies roster for 2025. Many thanks to our catering ladies in the kitchen Teena, Carol, Dawn and Pam. Following the morning tea, we have today’s guest speaker
14. Guest Speaker
Today’s guest speaker is Keith Symonds with the second exciting instalment of his recent trip to Europe including Budapest and the River Danube. Thank you Keith.
15. General Business
We have been asked by the Uniting Church to sweep the hall floor after each meeting. I was unaware of this requirement. Lets all help with this duty.
Bev Frizzell mentioned that the Maroochy 10 Pin Bowling may start up again during the Christmas break, She will keep us informed if anything eventuates.
Thanks to John Hargreaves and various helpers for the hall set up today.
16. Meeting Closure & Venue for Lunch
The meeting closed at 11.30 am
Lunch is at the Coolum Bowls Club booked for 11.45 am.
17. Next Meeting
The next monthly General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 4th February 2025.
Minutes of General Meeting
held at 9.15 am, Tuesday 1st October 2024 Uniting Church Hall, 22 Elizabeth St, Coolum Beach
1. Welcome by President (Rob Bandiera)
Rob opened the meeting at 9.25 am.
Good morning and welcome members and visitors to the Coolum Beach Combined Probus Club and our October meeting. Today we celebrate the club’s 35th Anniversary and I must thank the people who have made this a colourful event. I should also thank all the members and past committees for their participation over the years which has kept the club going.
For some, the monthly meetings and group activities have been the highlight of the month. Many strong friendships have formed. Trips and tours are popular, along with various interest groups and social outings supporting local restaurants.
Some of you may not be aware that Probus is a Community Service Activity of Rotary clubs. Our Probus club would have been sponsored by a local Rotary club 35 years ago. I have invited someone from Noosa Rotary to speak later this morning.
We also celebrate the great Brisbane Lions win in the AFL Grand Final. Some of you may recall that the Fitzroy football club merged with the Brisbane Bears in 1997. In my early years I grew up in North Fitzroy about 200 metres from the Brunswick Road Oval where Fitzroy played. I have very fond memories of that time.
2. Health and Safety
Rob pointed out the emergency exits and the toilets.
Reminded everyone to SIGN IN on arrival, with our Registrar Keith Symonds.
In An Emergency we will need to have the names of all members and visitors on site and account for everyone.
He thanked Brian and Pat West for their continued service as our safety officers.
3. Humour (Raoul Leach)
Raoul shared two jokes with us today, the 1st about an Irishman in Bunnings and the 2nd
was about A Fantastic Man or was it 4 men.
(Remember, we pick on everybody, nobody gets left out. It’s all equal.)
4. President’s Report (Rob Bandiera)
Since the last meeting we had a book club meeting in the second week of September with a small group due to several absences. Next week, we are reviewing ” State of Terror ” by joint authors Clinton and Penny . We are looking for more members to join the book club if you have an interest in reading. Please speak to our co-ordinator Robyn Higgins if interested.
Over two nights 11th- 12th September the Gourmet Gluttons group had lovely dinners at the G’Day Thai restaurant in Mount Coolum. In the third week there was a lunch held at Marcoola Surf Club. In the fourth week, there was a coffee morning held at the Coffee Club in Coolum Beach. On Thursday 26th September we held our first walking group with 14 participants on a 2 hour round trip including coffee break @ Curlys. Many thanks to Marilyn for organizing this new activity for the club. Shifty Shufflers also had a card game afternoon during the month.
There will be a Management Committee meeting next Tuesday 8th October at Coolum Beach Surf Club at 10am. The role of the committee is to manage the club in accordance with the Club’s constitution and by-laws. I would like members to start considering a role on next year’s committee, particularly new members.
5. Attendance, Apologies and Birthdays (Keith Symonds)
Our Registrar, Keith reported that there were 31 members and 5 guests in attendance at the meeting totaling 36.
Apologies were received from: Pauline Blaney, John Boakes, Halina Slesarewich, Helen Verhage, Carol Marshall, Garry Reynolds, Priscilla Franklin, Larry Hoffman, Noel and Bev Frizzell.
Birthdays in October: 5th Dawn Bandiera, 9th Peter Elwine, 13th Rob Bandiera, 13th Teena Coman, 24th Carol Marshall.
Guests: Linese Norrish, Peter Vines, Liv Vines, Kim Homewood, Jennifer Homewood.
Visitors: Speakers – Tess Alexandroff. Ruth Logan.
Please notify The Registrar if you cannot attend next months’ meeting: Keith Symonds on 0416275590 or by email [email protected]
6. Gourmet Gluttons Group (Keith Symonds)
Thursday 10th October Lunch at 12 noon.
Sole Restaurant, 10 Seaward Lane, Marcoola.
They have a choice of 2 courses for $60 or you can choose from the A LA Carte menu.
The BBQ boat trip on 15th October now includes 3 boats organized with Allan. Brian and Pat will be bringing some supplies. There is plenty of parking in Bradman Ave. Weather permitting, BBQ and paddle or swim at North Shore (bring your bathers).
7. Club Connections (DawnBandiera)
Dawn thanked the Committee Members and the broader group for agreeing to engage with the Noosa Probus Club on joining their Bus Outing to the Brisbane Musical in November. They had 7 tickets available and Coolum Probus were very quick to snap them up.
8. New Member Inductions (Rob Bandiera)
Nil Inductions this month but a number of Application Forms have been received and will be submitted to the Management Committee Meeting on 8th October for Inductions at the November General Meeting.
9. Secretary’s Report (Marilyn Parker)
There were no issues arising from The September Minutes. So if there are no objections, I’ll call for acceptance of the September Minutes, moved by Dawn Bandiera and seconded by Teena Coman. Correspondence during this month included: |
Emailed to All Members – Minutes of the September General Meeting. 28/9 Emailed to All Members – September Retirees magazine from PSP. Received in the post, Probus Month Promotions from PSP. |
As Rob mentioned, The October Committee Meeting is being held next Tuesday 8th |
October. We will be discussing new opportunities to encourage more members to get involved with running and promoting the Club. Stay tuned. We had our First Walk last Thursday morning. I think everyone enjoyed the experience and found it very easy going. There are a few members that are looking for a greater challenge with suggestions like Mt Ninderry, Emu Mt, Mt Coolum and Harry’s in Buderim (for Nov) but we don’t want to scare anyone off just yet. The October walk will be another easy one on the Thursday morning of 24th. From Stumers Creek to Coolum Surf Club, it’s 2.3 kl return with a coffee stop and a bit of Sun, Sand and Shade thrown in. If you are interested in this walk, please add your name to the list that is |
on the back table. Then as there are 5 weeks in October and interest from a few adventurous members wanting a greater challenge, we could climb Mt Coolum on Thursday 31st October as well. There is a lot going on this month but let me know if you are interested and if this date suits and I will put out a notice. And finally, I would like to thank everyone for joining in the celebrations with all of the Blue and Yellow. Make sure that you get yourselves into some of the photos and a special thanks to Allan and Denise Hayes and Dawn and Rob Bandiera for the fantastic videos, decorations and cake. I move acceptance of this Secretary’s report by Allan Hayes. Seconded by dawn Bandeira. Thank you, have a safe and happy October. |
10. Treasurer’s Report (Teena Coman - Assistant Treasurer)
LEDGER BALANCE B/F 31st August 2024 = $ 2117.91
PLUS INCOME FOR September 2024 = $635.00
TOTAL : = $ 2752.91
LESS EXPENDITURE FOR September 2024 = $108.00
NETT RESULT: = $ 2644.91
Teena moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report seconded by Denise Hayes.
For All Payments to the Club, please pay the Treasurer by one of the following:
1. Bank Transfer: Coolum Combined Probus Club. BSB: 084620 ACC: 048929505
2. Cash: To The Treasurer, in an envelope with your name, amount, payment reason.
3. Post cheques: The Treasurer Coolum Beach Probus Club; at 2/48 Cinnamon Ave, Coolum Beach 4573.
Club Discounts – The Coolum Beach Hotel now have their own App. For club discount points and prizes. $10 joining fee. The Monty’s Card is still recognized at other venues around town and Coolum Probus receives 5% discount.
11. Outings, Trips & Tours Report (Beverley Robertson)
Beverley thanked Dawn, Keith and Allan for assisting with this months’ outings.
Thursday 10th October
GOURMET GLUTTONS at SOLE Restaurant, 10 Seaward Lane, Marcoola, in the Seaside Estate. Please sign in the folder, or contact Keith. Indicate your menu choice, $60 for 2 courses plus a glass of something, or A La Carte. We will meet at 12 noon.
Tuesday 15th October
A BBQ CRUISE on the Maroochy River, with Swans Boat Hire, opposite 71 Bradman Ave. Cost is $45, which must be paid by today. Only 2 places left. Plenty of parking in nearby streets. We set sail at 10am, we plan (!!!) to return at 2pm. Wear boat gear, and please bring morning tea to share, and bring your own drinks for the day. BBQ lunch will be provided. Refer to information emailed out for details.
Tuesday 22nd October
COFFEE or brunch at DIVINITY, 8/1778 David Low Way, Coolum Beach, Meet at 10am, and enjoy coffee, tea, cakes, or brunch, your choice,
Tuesday 29th October
5th Tuesday Lunch at The DOONAN, 6 Beddington Rd. Doonan,
They have an Italian menu, lots of Pizza choices, you may want to share, or choose from their lunch menu.
It’s a lovely garden setting, so come and enjoy a relaxing lunch with friends.
Thursday 24th October
Walking Stumers Creek to Coolum Beach, and return. Starting at Stumers Creek Rd., entry 71, walk to Coolum Beach, stop for refreshments, and loop back through shaded Stumer Creek Reserve. Meet at 9.15am for an easy 2.3K circuit, with some sand and shade.
If you don’t have your name on the list but you would like to attend any of the outings,
please contact Beverley: email: [email protected] or phone: 0448 149 667
12. Welfare Report (Keith Symonds)
Keith filling in for Pauline while she is off holidaying, reported:
He had tea with Halina Slesarewich after her recovery scare and return to hospital. She hopes to be back in time for the Christmas party.
He will be catching up with Helen Smith shortly.
And he is doing very well himself, happy with the progress of his healing face.
For any Health and Welfare please notify Keith Symonds on 0416275590 or by email
13. Special Guest Speaker
Our President Rob Bandiera introduced Tess Alexandroff from the Noosa Rotary Club who will speak about Rotary and the relationship with Probus. Tess moved from NSW to Noosa in 1986. She has worked in hospitality and real estate. Tess joined Rotary in 2010 and served as President for 5 years, as well as treasurer and secretary. Thank you Tess.
14. Raffle Draw
A49 won Dianne Greenhalgh the White Wine.
A64 won Jill Kennison the Red Wine.
Thank you to Robyn Higgins for organising the prizes.
15. Speaker (Ruth Logan)
Rob introduced: Today’s guest speaker Ruth Logan, who is Education Program Facilitator for “It’s A Bloke Thing“ Foundation. She has had many family members experience Prostate Cancer including her husband at 51 years of age. Ruth is passionate to improve the health of regional and rural men and offer support and knowledge to women whose partners are going through this medical journey. Please welcome Ruth.
Rob thanked Ruth for her talk and presented her with a gift.
16. General Business
Rob Bandiera reminded everyone about the November Meeting being moved to the 2nd week in November due to the Melbourne Cup.
Thanks to our speakers Tess Alexandroff and Ruth Logan.
Thanks to Janette McDonald as a founding member and for bringing in some historic photos from the past 35 years.
Thanks to all of the volunteer helpers for assisting with today’s meeting and Allan & Denise for the Probus decorations to the hall.
With special thanks to Lorelee Jones, Bev Wilson and Pam Sands for supplying the delicious morning tea. Many thanks to our catering ladies in the kitchen Denise and Pam, and to John for the hall set up.
17. Meeting Closure & Venue for Lunch
The meeting closed at 11.30 am
Lunch is at the Coolum Beach Surf Club booked for 11.45 am. Everyone is Welcome so please come and join us.
18. Next Meeting
The next monthly General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 12th November 2024.
The Secretary circulates minutes of general meetings by email to all members.
Minutes of Management Committee Meetings are available for viewing by members at general meetings.