A one off joining fee of $20.00 plus a membership of $40.00 a total cost of $60.00 at the time of joining. Thereafter an annual membership fee of $40.00 applies and is due every March. You will receive a Probus name badge included in your membership. This should be worn at all Probus meetings and any outings to allow all members to get to know each other.
Tea or coffee is provided at each meeting and there is a $3.00 charge payable at each meeting to cover your beverage.
A raffle is held at each monthly meeting and tickets are sold when you arrive (but not compulsory). The current cost is $2.00 for three or $1.00 for one ticket.
The Concord Combined Probus Club has a Committee and all positions are elected at the Annual General Election held each March. Our Committee positions are as follows- President, Vice President, Hon Secretery, Hon Treasurer, Membership Officer, Outings Officer, Welfare Officer, Communications Officer, Welfare Officer , Guest Speaker Organiser, Show Organiser, Opal Card Outing and Coffee Club Organiser and Public Officer.
For further information contact our Membership Office -
phone - 0403 715 893 email - [email protected]