AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Central Charlestown Combined Probus Inc 2025 Calendar Gateshead Windale Bowling Club

Management Committee


Probus Meeting Function Room

Special Function

Tues  7th January 10am 

Wed  22nd   January 10.30am

Australia Day

Tues 11th February 10.00 am

Wed  26th   February 10.30am


Tues  11th  March 10.00 am

Wed  26th   March 10.30am


Tues  8th April 10.00 am 

Wed  23rd   April 10.30am

Anzac Day

Tues  13th   May 10.00 am

Wed  28th   May 10.30am


Tues  10th June 10.00 am.

Wed  25th   June 10.30am


Tues  8th July 10.00 am 

Wed  23rd   July 10.30am

Birthday Lunch

Tues  12th August 10.00 am

Wed  27th  August 10.30am


Tues  19th September 10.00 am

Wed  24th   September 10.30am


Tues  14th October 10.00 am

Wed  22nd  October 10.30am


Tues  11th November 10.00 am

Wed  26th  November 10.30am

Christmas Lunch

Committee Meetings 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 10am

General Meetings 4th Wednesday of the month @ 10.30am 

No meetings in December