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Lunch at Richmond Club, Tuesday 8 April, 11.30am meet

Ten-pin bowls

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday each month at 9.45am at Zone Bowling  Iverson Terrace, Waltham. Anyone is welcome to join the fun.

Dinner at Armadillos, Beckenham

We meet on the 3rd Tuesday each month, @ 5.00pm, for an enjoyable meal. Special rate menu for us oldies!

Walking Group

All walks begin from the meeting place at 10 am.  Come and join us and have some fun.  We always fit in a cup of tea or coffee after our walk, but it is always optional. All walks have been researched and are safe places to walk.

Mahjong is held every 2nd Tuesday. Limited, as we use our homes. Contact is Margaret, 384 9471


Beckenham “Sit & Stay Fit” Exercise Class

Every Thursday at 1.30pm at St Martins  Church, 43 St Martins Rd, a ‘Sit & Stay Fit’ class is held. Exercises focus on balance, stretching, sitting/standing, and give your mind a workout too!  Cost: $5 a session or $50 for 10 sessions. Includes a cuppa. It is lots of fun, good music (which we can remember). Led by a keen, qualified instructor.