Welcoming new members Mch 2022
Meetings & Club activities consist of:

We are friendly and active club with lots of interesting things to do.
Activities consist of:
Club meeting - Interesting guest speakers.
Theatre Group - See all the new shows.
Walking Group - Walks through some of our most beautiful parks and gardens.
Gardening Group - Visit a local nursery and see informative demonstrations.
Dine out - Lunch together in our local hotels and restaurants.
Getaway - Spend several days away together and visit local attractions.
Outings - Travel to exotic destinations and enjoy one another's company.
Card Group - Enjoy a game of cards with friends.
Ten Pin Bowling - Meet at Forest Hill Chase for a game of bowls.
Book Club - Read and share views on interesting books.
Knitting, Crochet Group - Fellowship and lunch together.
Free book exchange at general meetings.
The club has around 130 members comprising of 67% women & 33% men.