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January 2025

At their first meeting for 2025 Buderim East Probus Club celebrated their 40th anniversary.

Special guests included Councillor Ted Hungerford, representing the Sunshine Coast Council; Buderim Rotary President Ken Grant and his wife Elizabeth, representing the important link between Rotary and the beginnings of Buderim East Probus Club 40 years ago; and Geoff Leddy, our Regional Liaison Officer for the Probus Association of Queensland, along with his wife Cheryl.

On behalf of seven members who have been loyal attendees for more than 30 years, Don Hoskins recalled many of the interesting activities undertaken by the club. The overriding feeling expressed by many members was that the friendships formed in Probus were extremely valuable.

Below: President Schelle with long-time members cutting the club's 40th birthday cake


Below: Cr Ted Hungerford presented President Schelle Kilah with a 40th birthday certificate

Below: Happy Birthday to Jean Nobbs


Welcome to New Member Lesley

August 2024 Golf and Bowls Day
The weather was perfect and everyone who played in our golf and bowls competitions had a great day. Golf winners were Ron, Andy and Judy; bowls winners Alan, Beris and Brian.
Below are some keen golfers: