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The Boronia Combined Probus Club was inaugurated on Thursday 9 May 2024 at the CWA Hall in Sundew Ave, Boronia.

Initially, we had 20 members register as a club member and for the first 3 months all those who signed on as members were 

recognised as Foundation members.

As of August meeting we have 32 members and are welcoming any new visitore to become a member of our wonderful club.

If you are interested in attending our monthly meeting and getting a feel for what our club is about then please contact myself

or any one of our Executive Committee and we would be most keen to provide you with any information you request.

Some activities that we have participated in and looking to promote:

Club Walks, Morning teas, Guest Speakers, Games, Club meetings (Every 2nd Thursday at 10am at CWA Hall, 4 Sundew Ave,

Boronia), Live Theatre, Day Outings, Theme Days and much more is being proposed.

So come along, invite partners, friends, neighbours. We are a very friendly club and most engaging with others.


Keiran Smith (Foundation President) 0404079636