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MARCH 2025

Date/Time  Activity  Where/Details  Meet at  Comment 
Sunday 2 March 4.30 pm for 5 pm Theatre Outing Ensemble Theatre 78 McDougall Street Kirribilli the Theatre BOOKINGS CLOSED   Aria by David Williamson 10 Tickets available. RSVP by 30 December if you wish to come. Optional late lunch at Flying Squadron Yacht Club.  See the EOI for further details. Contact: [email protected]
Monday3 March  5 - 10 pm Q&A Session ABC Studios, Ultimo Narrabeen SLSC Bookings now closed.  Refer Mike Musgrave [email protected] for any queries  
Tuesday 4 March 1 - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday 6 March 7pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday  7 March 10 am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse AGM - no guest speaker. Visitors are welcome to attend  
Monday 10 March 4 - 6 pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 11 March 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps No need to book - see you there, weather permitting Enquiries: [email protected]  
Tuesday 11 March 3 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 13 March 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  MaryWearne,  [email protected]
Thurs 13 March 11 am Premiers Gala Concert ICC Pyrmont TBA 20 tickets have been allocated for this date.  Please see the EOI on the website for full details.  RSVP 1 February 2025 to [email protected]; no late replies will be possible (as we have to return any unallocated tickets)
Thursday 13 March 1 - 3.30 pm Scrappy Tarts Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Friday 14 March 11 am for 11.45   Fullerton Hotel Tour with optional lunch The Hotel, Martin Place City At the entrance BOOKINGS CLOSED - WAIT LIST ONLY Please refer to the EOI for more details. For enquiries please contact Christine Herbert: [email protected]
Sunday 16 March -  Saturday 22 March time TBA On Course Tour Lord Howe Island TBC Pickup  Refer to the EOI for all the details.  Contact  Joyce Moody, [email protected]
Monday 17 March 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club Mona Vale Lounge Area Contact  Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Monday 17 March 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The Cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Tuesday 18 March 3 pm Barefoot Bowls   Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  NEW DATE -REPLACING 25 MARCH  
Tuesday 18 March 1 - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Wednesday 19 March 2 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday  20 March 7pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 21 March Time TBA Movies and Coffee Warriewood Cinema   The movie will be advised the Monday before. Contact: [email protected]  
Tuesday 25 March Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]   BOWLS HAS BEEN CANCELLED THIS WEEK NEXT DATE IS APRIL 8 AT 2PM
Thursday 27 March 9 am Swimming Narrabeen Ocean Pool the Pool Regulars don't need to book.  Newcomers, let me know that you are coming so I can look out for you. [email protected]  
Thursday 27 March 10.30-3pm Mah-Jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 28 March 10 am  Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
    APRIL 2025

Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Tuesday  1 April 1 - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Wednesday 2 April 2pm Theatre outing: The Wharf Review Glen Street Theatre Belrose At the theatre SORRY, BOOKINGS ARE CLOSED   
Thursday 3 April 7 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday  4 April 10 am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club The Club Guest speaker: Tom Sweeney OAM - How to put on a Stage Show Visitors are welcome to attend  
Friday 4 April 7.30pm Handa Opera: Guys and Dolls Fleet Steps, Mrs Macquarie’s Chair TBC Refer to the EOI for all the details. If you would like to enjoy a fabulous night of musical theatre under the stars, please  RSVP: [email protected] by 30 September.   
Sunday 6 April 2.30pm     Afternoon High Tea at Aqua Restaurant Dee Why RSL 932 Pittwater Rd Dee Why In the Aqua Restaurant Refer to the EOI for all the details RSVP to Janeen Macfarlane mailto:[email protected] by April 1  
Tuesday 8 April 8 am - 5pm Day bus tour Western Sydney Airport and Penrith Whitewater Stadium TBC Refer to the EOI for all the details. Contact Joyce Moody, [email protected] 
Tuesday 8 April 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]  
Tuesday  8 April 2 pm ** Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required **  end of daylight saving Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 10 April 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Road Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected] 
Thursday 10 April 1 - 3.30pm Scrappy Tarts Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]
Friday 11 April 8.30 am Breakfast Mona Vale Golf Club Waterfront Cafe   Inside the Club Please see the EOI for all relevant information.  RSVP to Virginia Moore, [email protected] by 28 March
Monday 14 April 4 - 6 pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 15 April 1 - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Wednesday 16 April 10.45 am  for 11 am War Memorial Tour Hyde Park War Memorial Vestibule on Western Entrance Maximum 20 people.  See EOI for full details.  RSVP by 7 April Contact:  Lyn Hope - [email protected]
Wednesday 16 April 2 - 4 pm Bilgola Plateau Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 17 April 7 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 18 April Time TBA Movies and Coffee Warriewood Cinema Cinema The movie will be advised the Monday before. Contact: [email protected]  
Monday 21 April 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The Cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Tuesday 22 April 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Wednesday  23 April 12 Midday       Lunch Collaroy Beach Club,  Pittwater Rd, Collaroy (next door to Collaroy Hotel) Bus Stop outside Beach Club Booked for a maximum number for 16 members. (Members may also book their own table of four or six if we are overbooked). More info’ contact Mike Musgrave;[email protected]
Thursday 24 April 10.30 - 3pm Mah-Jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 25 April 10 am Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Sunday 27 April - Sat3 May time TBA On Course Tour Bright Autumn Festival TBA Please refer to the EOI for all the details. RSVP by 10 February as $200 deposit is required by 14 February. Enquiries to: [email protected]
Monday 28 April 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club Mona Vale Lounge Area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Tuesday 29 April 1 - 4 pm Mah-Jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
  MAY 2025
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Thursday 1 May 7pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 2 May  10 am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: Mike Munro - The Last Bushrangers (his two great-uncles). Visitors are welcome to attend  
Tuesday 6 May 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Wednesday 7 May 7 pm Theatre Outing: "And Then There were None" Theatre Royal Martin Place Sydney  At the Theatre Optional dinner beforehand.   See EOI for further information.  EOI will be updated once numbers are known and seats booked.   RSVP by 10 January 2025 to Christine Herbert: [email protected]
Thursday 8 May 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 8 May 1 - 3.30pm Scrappy Tarts Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Monday 12 May 1 - 4 pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 13 May 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]  
Tuesday 13 May 1 - 4 pm Mah-Jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Wednesday 14 May 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 15 May 7 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 16 May Time TBA Movies and Coffee Warriewood Cinema Cinema The movie will be advised the Monday before. Contact: [email protected]  
Monday 19 May 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The Cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Tuesday 20 May 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Wednesday 21 May 2 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 22 May 10.30 - 3pm Mah-Jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 23 May 10 am Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Sunday 25 May 2pm     Theatre Outing: “Dear Sir” Glen Street Theatre, Belrose At the theatre Please refer to EOI for payment details RSVP by Monday April 7 to Janeen Macfarlane  mailto:[email protected]
Tuesday 27 May 1 - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room  For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday. Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday 29 May 7 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
  JUNE 2025
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Sunday 1 June 9.15 am check-in   Anniversary Cruise, Sydney under Japanese Attack, 1942 King Street Wharf 3, Darling Harbour, Sydney At the Wharf BOOKINGS CLOSED, WAIT LIST ONLY   See the EOI for all the relevant information. Please contact Anne Kellick asap at [email protected]  
Monday 2 June 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club Mona Vale Lounge Area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Friday 6 June 10am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: Val Kirychenko - Lydia's Child - the story of his Ukrainian family from WW1 to WW2 and resettlement in Australia Visitors are welcome to attend  
Monday 9 June 4 - 6 pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 10 June 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]    
Tuesday 10 June 1 - 4 pm Mah-Jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Tuesday 10 June 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 12 June 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 12 June 1 - 3.30pm Scrappy Tarts Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Thursday 12 June 7 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Monday 16 June 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The Cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Wednesday 18 June 2 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Friday 20 June Time TBA Movies and Coffee Warriewood Cinema Cinema The movie will be advised the Monday before. Contact: [email protected]  
Tuesday 24 June 1 - 4 pm Mah-Jong Pittwater RSL Mona Vale Inside the Club, Games Room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Tuesday 24 June 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required  Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 26 June 10.30 - 3pm Mah-Jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Thursday 26 June 7 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club In the lounge area of the Club Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 27 June 10 am Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
  JULY 2025
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Friday 4 July 10am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: TBA Visitors are welcome to attend  
Monday 7 July 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club Mona Vale Lounge area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Tuesday 8 July 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]
Tuesday 8 July 1 pm - 4pm   Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the Club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Tuesday 8 July  2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club  Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 10 July 10pm   Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 10 July 1 - 3.30 pm Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's home Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Thursday 10 July 7 pm for 7.30 Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Monday 13 July Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Wednesday 16 July 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Monday 21 July 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The Cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Tuesday 22 July 1pm -4pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday 24 July 10.30 - 3pm Mah-jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Thursday 24 July 7 pm for 7.30 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Friday 25 July 10 am Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
  AUGUST 2025
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Friday 1 August 10am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: TBA Visitors are welcome to attend  
Tuesday 5 August 1pm -4pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday 7 August 7 pm for 7.30pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Monday 11 August 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club Mona Vale Lounge area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Monday  11 August 4 - 6pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 12 August 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]
Tuesday 12 August 2 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 14 August 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 14 August 1 - 3.30 pm Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Friday  15 August  9.15 am check-in   Anniversary Cruise, Sydney under Japanese Attack, 1942 King Street Wharf 3, Darling Harbour, Sydney At the Wharf See the EOI for all the relevant information. Please contact Anne Kellick asap at [email protected] NB:  This is the same cruise as the one on 1 June.  
Monday  18 August 10.30 am   Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Tuesday 19 August 1pm-4pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Wednesday 20 August 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 21 August 7pm for 7.30 Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge Area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Friday 22 August  10 am   Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 28 August 10.30 - 3pm Mah-jong Di Cross's House Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Tuesday 2 Sept 1pm - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday 4 Sept 7pm for 7.30pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Friday 5 Sept 10am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: TBA Visitors are welcome to attend  
Tuesday 9 Sept 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]  
Tuesday  9 Sept 2pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 11 Sept 10am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 11 Sept 1 - 3.30 pm Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Monday  15 Sept 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Monday 15 Sept 4 - 6pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 16 Sept 1pm - 4pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Monday 15 Sept 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club Mona Vale Lounge area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Wednesday 17 Sept 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 18 Sept 7pm - 7.30pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Thursday 25 Sept 10.30- 3 pm Mah-jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 26 - 28 Sept time TBA On Course 3 day tour Cowra, Japanese Gardens and Mayfield Gardens TBA Please refer to the EOI for all details. $200 deposit required by 26th July. Enquiries to Lyn Hope at [email protected]  
Friday  26 Sept 10 am Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Tuesday 30 Sept 1 pm - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
  OCTOBER 2025
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Thursday 2 Oct 7pm for 7.30pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Friday 3 Oct 10am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: TBA Visitors are welcome to attend  
Tuesday  7 Oct 3 pm * *daylight saving time Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 9 Oct 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  MaryWearne,  [email protected] 
Thursday 9 Oct 1 - 3.30pm Quilting Group Home of Di Cross  Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Monday 13 Oct 4 - 6pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 14 Oct 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]
Tuesday 14 Oct 1pm - 4pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Wednesday 15 Oct 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Thursday 16 Oct 7pm for 7.30 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Monday  20 Oct 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Monday 20 Oct 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club, Mona Vale Lounge area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.  
Thursday 23 Oct 10.30- 3 pm Mah-jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 24 Oct 10 am Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Tuesday 28 Oct 1 pm - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the Club For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday  30 October 7pm for 7.30 pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Sat 1 - Wed 5 Nov time TBA On Course Tour Melbourne Cup TBA Refer to the EOI for all the details.  To express your interest Contact  Joyce Moody, [email protected]
Friday 7 Nov 10am Probus Monthly Meeting Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse Guest speaker: TBA Visitors are welcome to attend  
Monday 10 Nov 4 - 6 pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Tuesday 11 Nov 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]
Tuesday 11 Nov 1 pm - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Tuesday  11 Nov 3 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 13 Nov 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 13 Nov 1 - 3.30 pm Quilting Group Home of Di Cross Di's house Please contact Di Cross for more information [email protected]  
Thursday 13 Nov 7pm for 7.30pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Monday  17 Nov 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Boys' Coffee Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Wednesday 19 Nov 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Monday  24 Nov 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club, Mona Vale Lounge Area Contact Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  for further information.  
Tuesday 25 Nov 1 pm - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Thursday 27 Nov 10.30- 3 pm Mah-jong Di Cross's house Di's house Morning tea supplied. Bring your own lunch. Enquiries: [email protected]  
Friday 28 Nov Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe No need  to book, just come along. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Date/Time Activity Where/Details Meet at Comment
Friday 5 Dec   Probus Xmas Party TBA TBA TBA
Tuesday 9 Dec 10 am Walk Long Reef Headland Walk at Collaroy, followed by coffee at Long Reef Golf Club Cafe   Meet at the entrance to tennis courts parking bays, just before 10 am   Grade: Medium Distance: 3km loop Time: 1hr Path: Formed track, gentle hills, occasional steps. No need to book - see you there. Contact Julie Bertoldo - 0418 272 214 if unsure about the weather conditions Enquiries:  [email protected]
Tuesday 9 Dec 1pm - 4 pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Tuesday  9 Dec 3 pm Barefoot Bowls Newport Bowling Club Club - no RSVP required Equipment is provided, wear flat soled shoes or bare feet, cost is $10. email Joyce Moody at [email protected]  
Thursday 11 Dec 10 am Coffee and Chat Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale Cafe No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Wearne,  [email protected]
Thursday 11 Dec 7pm for 7.30pm Trivia Avalon Beach RSL Club Lounge area LAST TRIVIA FOR 2025! Avalon Beach RSL Trivia strictly adheres to 8 members to a team.  If we have more than 8 people, the numbers will be split into two teams  
Monday  15 Dec 10.30 am Heaven's Devils Coffee Group Girder's Cafe 1/1-5 Hilltop Road Avalon Beach The cafe Boys’ coffee is a regular monthly event. No need to book, just turn up. Contact Murray Turnbull [email protected]for any additional information.  
Monday 15 Dec 4 - 6pm Drinks and Catchup Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse No need to book, just come along. Enquiries:  Mary Musgrave, [email protected]  
Wednesday 17 Dec 1 - 4 pm BP Yarners Newport Bowling Club Clubhouse If you'd like to knit and natter or crochet and chatter, please come and join the BP Yarners. Enquiries: Mary Musgrave [email protected]  
Tuesday 23 Dec 1pm - 4pm Mah-jong Pittwater RSL Club Mona Vale Inside the club, games room For both new and more experienced players. This group meets every second Tuesday.  Please contact Janeen MacFarlane: [email protected]
Friday  26 Dec Coffee and Chat 4 Knots, 1/326 Barrenjoey Road Newport Cafe BOXING DAY - NO COFFEE MEET
Monday  29 Dec 11 am Book Club Mona Social, Mona Vale Golf Club, Mona Vale Lounge area Contact  Mary Musgrave, [email protected] for further information.