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History of the Probus Club of Bermagui

The Probus Club of Bermagui was accredited in March 1991 with the support of the Narooma Rotary Club. There were eighteen like-minded foundation members present at the accreditation meeting.


The club was based on friendship and balanced social activity. We established a range of activities such as the Probus singers, the woodworking group, the golf and tennis players, the computer group, the music group, the theatre group and the campers. These activates were supplemented by general club activities such as BBQs, Dining-out Nights, Pot Luck suppers and other visits to local restaurants.


We try and arrange a trip away each year which includes activities such as a trip along the Murray on a paddle steamer, visits to regional wineries, a trip to New Zealand, a trip to  Norfolk Island and visits to other interesting destinations near and far.


The club was established as a men only club however there were several attempts over the years to open it up to ladies as well. The mixed group was finally achieved in 2009 and this arrangement has been most successful. Our average attendance at each meeting is 30 and we now ironically hold our meetings at "The Shed", the Mens Shed on the Tathra-Bermagui Road.