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Our monthly Meeting is held on the Fourth Tuesday of the month at the Masonic Centre, 616 Barkly Street, Golden Point from 10am until 12 midday. (May 2024 pictured)

After a brief formal meeting, news items etc we enjoy an extended morning tea to catch up with each other.

During the second part of the meeting we are usually treated to a presentation from a very interesting speaker who may be a visitor or one of our own members. See list below.

All are invited to join together for a reasonably priced lunch at a local hotel after the meeting.


Examples of Recent Programs

  Mar AGM and election of 2025/26 committee  
  Feb Members Jeanette Wheeler and David Scannell  
  Jan Kathy Rivett from Trade Travel about a possible trip to Norfolk Island  
  Nov Craig Whiteford from Zoo Conservation  
  Oct Howard who has led our October get-aways for many years will give us all a chance to reminisce about these wonderful times.  
  Sept Phillip, one of our newer members, shocked us by arriving with a rifle. We settled down when he assured us that he had no ammunition and had the proper authority to bring it. He spoke very entertainingly about a very varied and adventurous life.  

Our many Interest Groups displayed examples of their recent activities and leaders spoke briefly.

After the break one of our members spoke very passionately about his recent tour of China. Just one of the interesting facts was that nearly all vehicles there are now electric and petrol stations are vew and far between.


Garry Snowdon amazed us with stories of the service given by Australian nurses during the two World Wars

  June Show and Tell. Many members brought items of either historical interest or that reflected a hobby (eg succulents, quilts) and spoke for one or two minutes on the significance of the item.  
  May  Members Gill and Fran entertained us with tales from the Club's recent European River Cruise.  
  April  Julian Oldfield and his team of performers moved us almost to tears with their original play.  
  Mar  Annual General Meeting  


        Don Chairs AGM,  Alan thanks speaker, Past President Peter