We are a friendly group of just over 60 members who meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Airport Over 50’s Club, 18 Coral Sea Road, Fulham SA 5024.
Our meetings begin at 10:00 and end about 12:00 noon, usually followed afterwards by lunch at the nearby Lockleys Hotel.
The first half hour is spent dealing with the usual club business followed by a break for morning tea and a chance to chat.
We invite and encourage any member to give a three to five minute, talk about themselves such as a recent holiday, special event, or a life experience. This provides an opportunity for others to get to know their fellow club members.
The final hour is for invited guest speakers who present a huge diversity of subjects; some funny and some serious which gives us plenty to think about. One thing for certain, they are all very interesting.
Our outings and activities are also varied. Sometimes we hire a bus and spend a day visiting a country venue but just as popular are the theatre outings and local places of interest. We have Friday night dinners during the warmer months and Friday lunch during the colder months at different venues, usually held on the second Friday in the month. Something, for everyone, is the key.
The Probus aim is to provide activities for seniors to meet and enjoy companionship and intellectual stimulus plus proving opportunities to enjoy the fellowship of like-minded people.
Probus Clubs are non-political and non-fundraising.
We welcome semi-retired or retired people who would like to become part of our happy group.
New members are always accepted and welcome to join our club.
For more information, please phone the Membership Officer Helen, on 0409 673 561.