Held at the....U City Club Lounge
13th. Floor, Uniting Communities Building
43 Franklin Street, Adelaide 5000
The Club meets regularly on the first Monday of each month, excluding January, at 10:00 am.
At General Meetings, Members are informed of Club business and upcoming Club events, a talk by a Guest Speaker and morning tea with time to mix and mingle. The majority of Members choose to meet for lunch afterwards at a venue nearby.
Guests are welcome at General Meetings and activities of the Club.
Members of the Club enjoy many other activities and benefits - explore the links above.

The Adelaide CBD Probus Club was formed mid-2022 and incorporated shortly thereafter to provide regular opportunities for Members to keep their minds active, expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.
The Club is a mixed gender club, limited to 50 members. Thirty people attended the Foundation Meeting on 6th June 2022, where it was decided to form a Probus Club in the CBD and 14 of those attendees became Foundation Members.
The following now form the Committee:
Past President: David Simpson
President: Tim Fischer Vice President: Judy Chatfield
Treasurer: Maggi Travis Secretary: Helen Wootton
Guest Speakers: Barry Trewren Website: Iain Swan
Membership: David Morland
Outings & Events: Gaye Fischer & Elizabeth Farrant
We are looking for Members willing to take on responsibility for or assist with particular aspects of the Club's affairs - Newsletters, Activities, Coffee Mornings etc.