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Guest Speakers

As part of our regular monthly meetings we have some form of entertainment. This is often a guest speaker whose presentation is on a topic of great interest to members.


Interesting speakers we have had in the past include

Anne Barson about Adelaide History, Professor Glen Edwards on his life's work with traumatised people, Bob the Bard reciting many poenms both familiar and entertaining, Georgie Hollitt re glaucoma research,Rod Hook about transforming Adelaide,  David Kilner an Agatha Christie enthusiast,  Julie Black informed us about the  role and function of Ronald McDonald Houses, Lainie Anderson about her book "The Long Flight Home" and many more over the years.

We also have a Quiz for a friendship morning, Arpa Radio Players and lessons on computers from Paul Pryzibilla.

May is our birthday celebration and is always a fun and interesting morning.  This year the South Australian Police Band Clarinet Quartet will entertain us

Always an interesting morning, informative, fun and of course very friendly - you never know what you might learn or laugh about.

Future Speakers  -

  • Pam Rajkowski - Pioneering Cameleers.
  • and many more for this year


  • Never be afraid to try something new; amateurs built the arc,
    but professionals built the Titanic.
  • I am in shape, round is a shape.