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Nambour 90 Probus Club share some past memories of the club



The Caravan Group of Nambour 90 enjoys such a level of popularity that “non-nomads” join in when on site accommodation is available,  to enjoy the fellowship, fun and sight- seeing. Pictured is an October 2012  group on the bank of the McIntyre River, which forms part of the Queensland New South Wales border, at Goondiwindi, complete with two local dogs.

Nambour 90 celebrates its 20th Anniversary in March 2010.

Assembled around the ceremonial cake  with President Rod Gray in the centre,  are charter members John James, Kev Oswin, Stewart Cook, Ken Harwood, Neil Garrett, and Keith McKinnon. Rod Gray,  and the latter two are still active members while John James is on the inactive list.

Nambour 90 Hosted the Probus District Lawn Bowls Competition.

From its earlies days, Nambour 90 has had an active Lawn Bowls  Special Interest Group. Pictured is Committee member Bill MacKenzie  delivering what night have been the winning bowl (but wasn’t!) in the 2008 competition, which Nambour 90 hosted at Palmwoods Bowls Club.

2008  Lawn Bowls Winners display the trophy

Winning  Bowls Team, Buderim, in 2008 display the trophy. Nambour 90 bowlers were unable to repeat their 2007 performance which gave them the right to host in 2008.