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A Reflection on Outback at Longreach


Our Outback Tour was everything an outback tour should be

With hardly any noise there but birds up in the trees

Kilometres of roadways, most of them quite good

Split this brown landscape, dusty, dry and made us think we should

Do more to help these folks, who suffer every day.

With lack of rain, and lack of grain, their stock just fades away.

Dead 'roos and other animals litter every road

Many from starvation, so we have been told

But the folks out here are wonderful, so caring and so giving

Many work at several jobs, just to make a living.

Their farms will not support them

They are forced to diversify

Yet nothing stops their cheerful smile

As they look us in the eye

And thank us all for coming, it makes us want to cry.

What do us city people know of hardship in the bush?

We have romantic notions of it being green and lush

But reality is different, dusty paddocks, dry and bare

And despite their outward cheer, in their hearts there is despair

This trip has shown us all how strong these people are.

And I, for one, salute them, to me they are a star

When we return to city life, our memory will dim

Of the man in the outback and what it meant to him

That we travelled there to meet his struggling family

So let us not forget them, it could be you or me.