St Patricks Day Mystery movie & lunch
14 Apr 2015
Many of the members attending dressed up for St Patrick’s Day! It was quite a headache for the two judges, Betty Holmes and Barb Wallace.
Everyone enjoyed the Irish movie, ‘Waking Ned Devine’ where one person in a small Irish town won the huge Lottery but died with shock on learning that he’d won and the intriguing methods a couple of the town’s folk used to claim the lottery money for themselves but finished up winning it for the whole town!
The comfortable coach delivered the group from the small but modern St Mary’s Theatre in Yarra Street to The Wool Exchange in time to enjoy a lunch, two for the price of one!
Following lunch members paraded around the rectangular set-up tables waiting to see who would be judged Best Dressed! It was lovely all being able to sit around the large table and chat.