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Port Stephens loses life member

The Probus Club of Port Stephens has very sadly lost its Life Member Tony Pett.

He was the last remaining foundation member, inaugural Secretary and Past President of the club. Tony and his wife Pam contributed much to the club over a period of 30 years as he was historian as well for most of that time. He took hundreds of photos, lovingly placing them in albums and with Pam’s assistance, labelled each one. The majority of these photos have now been scanned and digitally saved in the club’s computer records.

He supervised yearly tree planting for outgoing presidents and maintained the club’s flora garden adjacent to the Arts Centre for many years. He also conducted CPR/First Aid courses for members and wives.

President George Hammond described him as the “Shining Light” and he will continue to be just that. He will always be remembered for his dedication to the club’s welfare and development. Tony received his nonagenarian certificate last October and was still attending meetings earlier this year. He will be greatly missed by his family and members of the club.