Top stories for Tuesday
26 Feb 2013
Wild weather in Queensland claims a life and a woman is still missing. Meanwhile, Britain’s most senior Cardinal has resigned.
Rusty gathers strength
Residents along the Pilbara coast in Western Australia are preparing for the worst as Cyclone Rusty gathers strength. While moving slowly, it is expected to become a severe tropical cyclone and make landfall on Wednesday evening. Read more.
Flood turns deadly
Central Queensland is bracing for more heavy rain this morning with a severe weather warning in place. One man has been confirmed dead after his car was swept away by flood waters and one woman is missing. Courier Mail has all the details including road closures.
Class action against Vodafone
A class action will be announced today on behalf of 23,000 Vodafone customers. Legal firm Piper Alderman will represent the disgruntled customers over coverage problems and poor customer service. has more.
Cancer genes targeted
Smart medicines that target specific genes are replacing current cancer treatment. The specific drugs aim to treat patients individually rather than treating all cancers the same way. Read more.
Top Cardinal quits
Cardinal Keith O’Brien has resigned in the wake of allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards other priests. Cardinal O’Brien was the most senior Roman Catholic cleric. The full story is on Sky News.
Woman scales Everest twice
A Nepalese climber has become the first woman to scale Mount Everest twice in a single season, both within a few of days of each other. ABC News has the incredible story.
Spotlight on gun violence in South Africa
The trial of Bladerunner Oscar Pistorius has highlighted the extreme level of violence in South Africa, specifically involving guns and the fear that many face living there. Watch the video on ABC News.