19 May 2015
When the Lord created beauty, he made it clean and green along the southern coastline, where our Probus Club has been.
We toured for the scenery and attractions of the day, to cram a feast of friendship into a four day stay.
Upward, ever upward, rise the lofty southern peaks spawning majestic tree trunks and rock-strewn rippling creeks.
Mt Myrtle’s one of many where the ribboned asphalt twists to discover shades of emerald, in the drifting early mists.
The rampant ferns all thriving, blanket Eucalyptus feet of Mountain Ash and Red Gum, that filter Summer heat.
The crystal waters sparkle with a clarity so blue in an arc of golden sand that frames the emerald hue.
It’s no wonder that the settlers and squatters came down here, as pioneers of Australia, with foresight lacking fear.
The stockmen and the whalers and the gentry migrant folk built this nation’s pathways and then the state awoke.
“Kameruka”, “Burnima”, are vestiges of times when Aristocrats ruled over those exported for their crimes.
With “Seaside Inn” we salute them, their splendour resonates and we tourists come to vision grandeur past of these estates.
Tilba Tilba, Merimbula, are melodies to sing; Eden, Candelo and Bega are rhythmic sounds with swing.
So, it’s thanks to Val and Chappy for guiding us along; I’m glad to be in Probus in a land where I belong.