Port Douglas Probus Club
28 Oct 2024
We invite anyone who is retired or semi-retired to come along and meet some new, like-minded friends, have a few laughs and enjoy a morning tea.
We hold regular meetings, on the 4th Monday of every month, except where that falls on a public holiday in which case it will be on the 3rd Monday.
Meeting times are at 9:30am currently at the Tin Shed - Douglas Community & Sports Club, 7 Ashford Avenue, Port Douglas, QLD, 4877.
If you are interested in joining the Port Douglas & District Probus Club, please contact our President, Susan Stafford on Phone: 0403 169 859 or email [email protected]. Please also visit our website by clicking here.
Each month we have interesting guest speakers presenting to the group on different and varied subjects. Also, our Club is active in providing outing for our members, both locally and further away. We already live in paradise here in FNQ, so come and explore our fantastic backyard with like minded local Probus members.