Friday's headlines
01 Nov 2013
Australian artist’s canvas fetches a cool $3.927 million overnight. In international news, US airline authorities have relaxed the electronics rules overnight, declaring they can be used gate-to-gate.
Whiteley canvas fetches $3.937 million
A Brett Whiteley canvas has been bought for a record $3.927 million at auction overnight. The Australian artist’s My Armchair depicts his studio in Lavender Bay. Bidding started at $2.7 million and within minutes, the artwork was sold. Nine News has more.
New dolphin species found
A new species of dolphin has been found living off the west coast of Australia. A team of researches has found a distinctly different species of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin that was previously unknown to science. Read more.
Chinese boy ordered to jump to death
A 10-year-old Chinese boy has jumped 30 floors to his death after being told to jump out of a building by a teacher. The year-five student was told to write a self-criticism 1000-word apology for talking in class but refused. A police investigation is still under way. Seven News has the story.
US airline authorities allow electronics throughout flight
Australian airline authorities will review the recent decision by the US Federal Aviation Administration to allow the use of electronic devices gate-to-gate. Currently, all electronic equipment is not allowed to be used while planes are below 10,000 feet as they may interfere with cockpit instruments. The new rules will take effect in the US by the end of the year. Read more.
Canadian camper found after three months
A Canadian camper has been found in a Quebec forest three months after vanishing on a canoe trip. The 44-year-old man was too weak to walk or talk when he was found, however it has been revealed that a bear broke into his campsite and ate of all his supplies. Read the amazing rescue story on