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Healthier and Happier at Probus

Keeping healthy doesn't always have to be about controlling your diet or walking a certain distance.  With many of us re-adjusting to the new normal, the one thing that can keep us both happy and healthy is staying active and connected with our friends.

It is no secret that connecting with those around you can help reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. Particularly during the pandemic, where many of us have been forced into different levels of isolation, staying connected has become imperative.

In this article, we dive into ways you can maintain strong connections with your fellow friends that in turn helps you keep active, happier and healther. 


1. Regular Interest Groups

If you have a hobby or passion but lack the spirit, the chances are someone else at your Club may feel the same way too! Interests groups are smaller groups in Probus Clubs where participating members share the same interest in a particular activity. Some of the many Probus interest groups include gardening, books, knitting, walking, movie appreciation and cooking. 

For those who have an interest group at their Club but not much activity has been happening, perhaps it's time to consider getting the ball rolling. There are options to explore free Zoom licenses to conduct online meetings and also outdoor locations to meet in person. 

If you aren't on the Committee, perhaps getting in touch with your Club Management Committee is a great way to start. 

The benefit is, you can participate in something you enjoy while not being alone. This is great for mental and physical productivity. 


2. Start a Group Chat 

These past few months has generated many 'iso' activities at home. Starting your own Club group chat via applications like Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger can help increase interactivity between members where each person can send messages and attachments of their day. Particularly, if your Club has suspended all activities until further notice, maintaining social connections digitally can help prevent feeling lonely or bored.


3. Get involved with Probus Initiatives 

Intiatives like the #ProbusMayChallenge, #ProbusWinterChallenge, Probus Day and the Probus Photographic Competition are designed to help members get involved in competitions and celebrations with your friends. Finding a reason to do something fun or get out and about releases tension in our bodies and boosts our self-esteem.


If you require any guidance in using Zoom, Messenger or other applications please email [email protected]