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Lloyd Jenkins awarded OAM


Members of the Leopold Probus Club were delighted when our president of the last two years, Lloyd Jenkins, was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the Australia Day Honours 2015 for service to print media, particularly journalism, and to the community. Lloyd’s career in journalism spans 50 years, including roles as reporter or editor for several newspapers; managing director and editor The Northern Times, Kerang 1963-2001; president, vice-president and life member of Country Press Australia and Victorian Country Press Association; Rotary involvement 1961-2011; warden, parish secretary St John's Kerang 1964-2001; president Leopold Probus Club 2005-06, 2013-14: treasurer Volunteer's Support Group, Leopold Lodge 2003-07.

This is a brief summary of some of Lloyd's service to the print media and the community. The award is a well-deserved recognition for the service he has given.

Congratulations, Lloyd!