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Monday's headlines

Labor’s primary drops below 30 per cent entering the final sitting week in Parliament. In other news, some of Australia’s most well-known retailers have been linked to sweatshops in Bangladesh.

Labor drops below 30

The latest Newspoll shows Labor’s primary vote has dropped to below 30 per cent, as MPs and senators prepare for the final sitting week in Parliament and a possible leadership showdown. The Coalition’s vote has also dropped by one point to 48 per cent. ABC News has all the details.

Fortieth digger dies

A fortieth fatality has hit the Australian Defence Force as the war in Afghanistan winds down. A Special Forces soldier was shot and killed in a firefight with Afghan insurgents. Two others were wounded. Read the full story.

NSW residents brace for wild weather

Wild weather is forecast for the NSW coastline today with strong winds, a king tide and heavy rain set to drench the state. The Bureau of Meteorology has updated its severe weather warning for today. If you’re in NSW, stay indoors if you can. Read more. For up-to-date weather advice see the Bureau of Meteorology

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Australian retailers linked to sweatshops

Workers in Bangladesh claim they have been physically abused and threatened while working in sweatshops used by Australian retailers. Big brands including Rivers, Coles, Target and Kmart are linked with factories in Bangladesh that do not meet international standards. Read more.

Convicted UK killer found in Queensland

Simon Hennessey, jailed for life after stabbing his aunt in England in 1978, has been found in Queensland, 15 years after he escaped from prison in the UK. Hennessey was 14 when he was convicted of murder and escaped Leyhill Open Prison in 1998. Seven News has the story.

Mandela’s condition critical

South African icon Nelson Mandela is in a critical condition as he fights a recurring lung infection in a hospital in Pretoria. His condition has worsened in the past 24 hours. Seven News has more.

Daredevil to walk across the Grand Canyon

Nik Wallenda will attempt to become the first man to walk across the Grand Canyon on Monday, suspended on a tightrope with no safety harness. Wallenda will be rigged with cameras and microphones to take viewers on his journey. A 10-second delay will be set on the live broadcast by the Discovery Channel. has more.