Active Retirees Auckland Expo
04 Nov 2016
The Active Retirees Auckland Expo was held on 15th and 16th of October. This was a great opportunity to promote Probus to potential members.
People in the photo left to right:Nannette Goldstone, Roger Goldstone, Jean Burford and Geoff Wright.
Pictured: Raie Hatton who won the Probus basket competition at the Expo on the weekend.
Raie was delighted to win the basket - she was looking forward to opening it with her 13 year old grandson after she picked him up from school.
Raie is not yet a Probus member but now that she has retired from work and will look for a Probus club to join.
Raie came over from Greenlane for the basket and we sat and chatted over a cuppa for awhile. She's a lovely lady and a worthy winner!