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A tunnel's legacy from WWI

The Wellington Combined Probus Club recently welcomed member speaker, Tricia, who spoke about her career and the history of New Zealand.

She spoke about her fifty-year career as a secondary school teacher, her involvement with water polo and rugby, as well as her time as a local historian.

Tricia shared a story that truly resonated with members as it regarded the naming of the Arras Tunnel in Wellington, and the significance of the poppies along the wall.

The tunnel serves as a memorial to the First World War and commemorates 500 Kiwi miners who were taken to Arras in France during the Battle of the Somme in 1916-1917 to expand the medieval tunnels under the trenches.

The tunnel system could accommodate 20,000 people and included running water, electric lights, kitchens, a light rail system and a fully equipped hospital.

This is an important part of New Zealand history, and the Club thanks Tricia for her commitment and time devoted to bringing it to light.