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The little bush school

Dot Whitehead from the Ocean Grove on Barwon Ladies Probus Club reflects on her days at school. 

The little bush school - it is no longer there

The land which it stood on is barren and bare

But memories come back as I view this sad sight

Of days of good learning which is everyone’s right.


The school ground’s still there, with majestic tall trees –

So elegantly towering above in the breeze

Small pine trees, along with their crop of pine cones

The wild flowers all blooming in varying tones.


Some spinifex mounds all stiff and so prickly

I walk about – my steps moving quickly

For tears, you see, are not far away

When thoughts go back to another fair day.


The year was 1932

The day was hot – the sky so blue

When off to school life I did start

Though as Daisy left t’was not easy to part.


The next few years went quickly enough

With ink wells and books and all that stuff

The pupils – all twelve – some big and some small

Just enough there to keep the roll call.


As time went by and pupils left

The numbers left the school bereft

And so “the school must close” they said

We’ll take the school and shelter shed.


Officials in suits, down in the city

Have no thoughts or have no pity

Of kids whose needs are just the same

As city folk – by any name.


Yes, Gypsum State School was its name

It had no riches or claim to fame

Except of all the schools around

It won the prize for the Best School Ground.


And so the memories come flooding back

As I pause beside the overgrown track

A sign depicts – for all to see –

This is the school that used to be.

Dot is now in the running to win the annual Paul Henningham Award for Literary Excellence. Put pen to paper and send your work to Active Retirees. EMAIL: [email protected].

POST: Smile! Active Retirees, 369a Darling Street, Balmain NSW 2041.