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The Probus Club

Joining a Probus club can be a wonderful way to meet new people, experience new things and get out and about. Di Godwin, from the Probus Club of Castle Hill, shares her story.


I heard about this brand new club starting up in Castle Hill

My husband said do you wanna join

I said of course I will.

The venue is the Bowling Club right next to the RSL

Now that is close to where we live

We could walk there, all being well.

There are lots of things that you can do if you join our club

Walk and talk and bowl and dine

Or just go to the pub.

The walks with Jim are always fun but once we all got lost

But I have to say the good thing is

At least there was no cost.

How about learning to bowl, you could try and give it a go

Wear the right shoes, a hat and sunscreen

And get lessons from Hazel and Joe.

The movie group run by Maureen is also up and running

Maureen does a really good job

As some of the films have been stunning.

Then there is the theatre group, Jan will choose and pick it

She consults with members who are keen

Then she’ll buy your ticket.

Don’t forget the wine and dine for those who love their food

You can fill your tum and get real sloshed

It’ll depend upon your mood.

The book club they meet once a month to discuss a book they’ve read

The women there are all real keen

But I only read in bed.

For those of you who are retired and maybe a little bit bored

When you join your local Probus Club

You’ll be saying Oh, thank the Lord.