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Burwood East goes to Parliament House

The Combined Probus Club of Burwood East toured the Victorian Parliament House and Old Treasury Building with 36 members.

The group had its very own local member, Neil Angus, as its guide, since Parliament was not sitting on the day of the visit. Neil spoke about the history of the building, how Parliament works, and shared bits of information on Parliament members through the years. The members sat in the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council Chambers, visited the Parliamentary Library, meeting rooms and grand halls, then ate lunch in the dining room.

The interior throughout the building features classical decoration, including an intricate mosaic of floor tiles, gold-leaf ceilings and columns, statues and paintings.

The Old Treasury Building holds a history of the early gold rush days, how Melbourne was formed and how it became what it is today. The photos of Melbourne’s early days are outstanding and well worth the trip.