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Wednesday's news

Prime Minister Gillard is facing criticism over her decision to back Nova Peris for the number-one spot on Labor’s NT ticket. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, a British tourist has been sentenced to death by firing squad for drug smuggling. Here are today’s top stories.

Prime Minister faces internal party criticism

Prime Minister Julia Gillard is facing criticism over her move to tap veteran Northern Territory Senator Trish Crossin on the shoulder, to make way for Labor’s first female Indigenous candidate. Ms Gillard announced yesterday that she was supporting Nova Peris, an Olympic gold medallist, for the number-one spot. Read more and hear what Senator Crossin has to say on the ABC.

Warning for southeast Western Australia

Southeast Western Australia is facing a catastrophic fire danger with the worst possible conditions for bush or grass fires forecast for today. A total fire ban has been declared for the Shire of Esperance. Read more.
For up-to-date warnings, see the Department of Fire and Emergency Services website.

Aspirin linked to age-related eye conditions

Sydney researchers believe they have found a link between aspirin and age-related macular degeneration. The results have been drawn from a 15-year study of more than 2000 people over the age of 50 in the Blue Mountains. They are consistent with studies in Europe and the US. Read more.
For a background on eye health, see the Health section.

Baby boomers not ready for retirement

Baby boomers are not feeling financially ready for retirement with 86 per cent claiming they’re not ready to clock off. According to REST Industry Super, just one in seven baby boomers believe they are financially prepared to retire and 51 per cent believe they are slightly prepared. has more.

British woman handed the death sentence

A British grandmother has been sentenced to death by firing squad in Bali after she was caught with just under five kilograms of cocaine in her luggage last May. Her lawyer says she plans to appeal her sentence. ABC has the full story.

Off-duty policeman saves woman

An off-duty policeman has been hailed a hero after jumping onto train tracks to rescue a woman who had fainted. Even the oncoming train did not deter him. Read the full story and watch the amazing footage on