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Tuesday's news

Sixty-four year old Diana Nyad successfully crossed the Florida Straits without flippers or a shark cage. In health news, a woman has fallen pregnant from ovarian tissue grafted into her abdomen.

Swimmer makes Cuba-Florida crossing without shark cage

A 64-year-old long-distance swimmer has crossed the Florida Straits without a shark cage. It was Diana Nyad’s fifth attempt at the 166 kilometre Florida-Cuba crossing which took her approximately 53 hours to complete. She set a record for the longest ocean swim without a shark cage or flippers. Read the incredible story on ABC News and watch as she emerges from the water in the video below.


World first as woman becomes pregnant after transplant

In a world first, an Australia woman has fallen pregnant from ovarian tissue grafted into her abdomen. The woman, only identified as Vali, had her second ovary removed because of cancer. She’s now 25 weeks’ pregnant with twin girls. Read more.

Explorer tells of three-week ordeal

A man exploring WA’s remote north has spoken out about his three-week ordeal stranded on a small island. Ryan Blair claimed he was stalked by a giant crocodile after being dropped on the island with water, food, tools and camping equipment. Read Ryan’s story.

Al-Assad warns military action will incur negative repercussions

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has rejected allegations that his forces were behind the chemical attack in Damascus last month, warning France that any military action will incur “negative repercussions”. France and the United States have both claimed they have proof the Syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians. Read more.

Body found 45 years after plane crash

The body of an Indian soldier has been found in the Himalayas, 45 years after he died in a plane crash. The solider, identified as Jagmail Singh, was still wearing a uniform. Singh was one of 101 soldiers who died when an army transport aircraft crashed in 1968. has more.