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Elder abuse helpline launched

Tasmania will not tolerate elder abuse and NSW will soon follow suit. 

Earlier this year, Tasmania launched a new Elder Abuse Helpline supported by a community awareness campaign.

$120,000 worth of government funding has been given to Advocacy Tasmania to fund and operate the service for 12 months. On launch, Cassy O'Connor, Human Services Minister, said that the helpline will be available to provide confidential advice on dealing with, and hopefully preventing, elder abuse.

Elder abuse includes physical, emotional, verbal and financial abuse and it is on the rise. This could mean the misuse of older people's funds or manipulation of older persons either over the phone or in person. A typical example is a supposed tradie knocking door-to-door, claiming to be available to fix things around the house. They then receive payment without actually doing anything.

NSW is also looking to introduce something similar with the recent Ageing Strategy including provisions for an Abuse of Older People Helpline and Resource Unit. The elder abuse helpline in NSW is expected to be available in February next year.