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First Club outing

Logan Village Probus Club members recently had their first outing since the Club’s inception in October 2024.

They visited Government House, a heritage listed mansion at Fernberg Road, Paddington. It is the official residence of the Governor of Queensland.

Originally designed and built in 1865, Government House has been extended and refurbished. The house was added to the Queensland Heritage Register in 1992.

After a briefing in the garden and the obligatory photo opportunity on the steps, members enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee in beautiful white cups and saucers and were honoured to be addressed by the Governor, who was in residence at the time of the visit.

After witnessing the splendour and architecture of the building and grounds during the tour, members went to the local tavern for lunch before heading home.

Fun and friendship were the order of the day with lots of laughter and discussion still happening on the bus as on arrival back in Logan Village.