Grow an edible garden
20 Sep 2017
With warmer months just around the corner, why not grow some edible plants that will brighten up your garden and provide you with delicious spring vegetables for months to come?
Spring is the time of year when you want to be outside, enjoying the sun’s warmth and longer days. There really is no greater season to be creative in your garden, and growing your own food is not only deeply satisfying – it will impress your family and friends too!
Pot or patch?
Whether you have a small balcony or a backyard, everyone can grow edible plants. Many spring vegetables grow quite happily in pots, and there are plenty of attractive, lightweight versions with wheels for easy moving. If you have a backyard, you can dig up a garden patch or purchase a raised garden bed from your local hardware store. These are terrific, particularly if you have back or knee issues.
Find the right spot
Edible plants need sunlight; at least six to eight hours a day. This is where growing your plants in pots can be ideal, as you can shift them to follow the sun (or to shadier spots on sweltering hot days). If your garden doesn’t get a lot of sun, try leafier plants rather than fruiting crops.
Soil preparation
Edible plants need a good soil base to thrive. Soil rich in organic matter provides your plants with much needed nutrients and possesses necessary drainage properties to prevent root rot. If planting in pots, you can purchase excellent organic soil mixes from good hardware shops. Otherwise, dig up a garden patch, add compost and a handful of animal manure, and dig in well. Your plants will love you for it.
Mix and match
There are so many spring veggies to choose from, including beetroot, spring onion, zucchini, cherry tomato, and many varieties of lettuce, not to mention aromatic herbs such as basil, chives, coriander, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme. If you’re a beginner gardener, choose the edible plants that you would like to eat and purchase seedlings, as these are easier to grow. (Be sure to read the planting instructions on the label.) With love and care, in a month or so you will be enjoying your delicious produce!
Top tip:
Water every day in the morning to prevent pest problems. Mulching is also a good idea to stop your plants from dehydrating.