Member Profile: Anna Hamers
15 Jun 2020
Hallidays Point Probus Club
Time in Probus: 14 years
Anna joined the Hallidays Point Combined Probus Club in March 2006, just three years after its foundation. She assumed responsibility for the choir soon after joining the Club and became its leader for nearly 14 years, until its closing in July this year. Anna has exceptional musical skills and arranged all the music she put forward for the many choir performances. Not only arranging the music, she also led the singers with her own effective conducting style and sung in many of the performances with her very fine-tuned vocal abilities, her preference being for the quartet combination.
While still leading the choir, she volunteered for the position of Catering Officer, responsible for providing quality morning teas for monthly meetings. “It’s such a rewarding and fun job,” Anna says. “I have always loved my six years as tea-lady and I took great pride in finding different treats each month.”
Catering Officer is a committee position, so that meant attendance at monthly Management Committee meetings, which commenced in 2009. From here, she progressed to Vice-President in 2015-16 and then President in 2016-17.
Since completing her presidential year, Anna has filled the roles of Immediate Past President, Publicity Officer and Meeter and Greeter at our monthly General Meetings, and continues to serve on the Management Committee.
Recently, Anna was presented with a Life Membership to Hailidays Point Combined Probus Club. Life Memberships are only awarded under exceptional circumstances, and Anna’s situation certainly meets that requirement.
The wording on the plaque presented to Anna during the award ceremony read: “Presented to Anna Hamers, in appreciation of many years of outstanding service to the Hallidays Point Probus Club, from the Committee and Members, 3 December 2019.”