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Silver jubilee celebrations

Earlier this year, the Mobilong Ladies Probus Club celebrated its 25th birthday with a silver jubilee luncheon at the Murray Bridge Bowling Club.

President Coral Coulter welcomed the 99 members who were present and expressed a special welcome to guests Allen Luders and Richard Parson from the local men’s club.

Before partaking of the delicious lunch provided by the lady bowlers, President Coral shared a reading entitled How old is Grandma? After lots of reminiscing about old times everyone was surprised to learn that 'Grandma' was born in 1952 and was only 59 years old. It made us realise how quickly life has changed.

Other entertainment during the afternoon included another reading, this time by Doreen Borchard called Grandmas Apron and once again everyone present could relate to the sentiments expressed. 

Later, a skit, by members Thelma White and Jan Trevorrow, about lunch in a cafe caused many laughs.  

The quiz, researched and organised by Mary Rowley had all racking thier brains and the trivia about other newsworthy items from 25 years ago caused many comments.

Recent birthdays were acknowledged, with member Melva Baldock celebrating her 104th and Barbara vanDalen celebrating her 90th. Both were present at the luncheon.

The door prize was won by Marilyn Dew and eight other lucky members won raffle prizes.

The official part of the celebration began when President Coral listed the names of all presidents in the club's history and those present came forward to form an arc around the official table while Judith O’Leary , the oldest surviving past president cut the beautifully decorated 25th birthday cake which was made by member Wendy Laubsch.