AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Combat Loneliness in Retirement

Loneliness is a big issue in Australia and New Zealand according to the Royal College of General Practitioners, so much so that they’re asking Governments to consider a dedicated Minister for Loneliness to help combat a spike in depression.

Over the years, cities and towns have become very lonely places, especially for retirees who no longer rely on their workplace for socialising, and as they adapt to living a more relaxed, sedentary lifestyle, many become introverted and spend far more time alone at home than ever.

Studies show a rise of up to 43% of singles in some large cities over the next few years, which means social groups of all types will become much more important to our communities.

Probus is a social Club for retirees with over 125,000 members in Australia and New Zealand in 1,700 individual clubs and its Chairman, Douglas Geekie supports calls for people to join and improve their health and happiness.

“Getting out regularly with new friends is of great benefit to all ages.” he says. “Whether you choose to do something active like walking, or something less strenuous like playing cards or dominoes, the fact you’re mixing with likeminded people can increase your zest for life.”

Membership of a social group can prolong a healthy, happy life by keeping the brain stimulated, the body active, and regular meetings with friends keeps us from insulating ourselves at home, alone. Joining a social Club has been shown to have so many benefits to members in fact, that Generation Xers are being encouraged to have their parents join groups to ensure their longevity and happiness.

In a world where families rarely live in the same region and where quality time with loved ones can be less regular than ever before, social groups are providing a way of keeping track of ageing parents by ensuring that they continue to have regular contact with people of similar age and interests.

The health benefits of belonging to a social Club are well established, but there are other ones you may not ever have considered, including your own contribution to a valuable service network in your community.

It’s a fact that all clubs and associations need to keep attracting new members, but have you ever thought of what would happen if they didn’t? Members are the lifeblood of any Club; not only do they contribute to the running of the Club through membership fees, but they also take up committee and leadership roles to keep the Club functioning.

Without new members, Club administration would eventually fail, and the Club would cease to exist, leaving the community without one of it’s important social hubs. Through your own humble membership of a Club, you’re contributing to the wellbeing of your neighbours.

So join a Club and improve your health, happiness, and most of all, your community!

You can find out more about Probus by calling (Australia) 1300 630 488 or (New Zealand) 0800 1477 6287.

Visit to find out where your nearest Probus Club is.