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Top stories for Thursday

Customs officials are allegedly smuggling drugs through the largest Australian airport and Lake Eyre gets another name. Here are the top stories. 

Sydney Airport smugglers

ABC and Fairfax have revealed that up to 15 corrupt customs staff members at Sydney Airport have been allegedly helping smuggle drugs through Australia’s biggest airport. The Australian Federal Police is refusing to comment. More on ABC

Obama named Person of the Year

Time magazine has named President Obama as Person of the Year for the second time. The first was in 2008 when he was president-elect. Time editor Rick Stengel say Obama is “the author of a new kind of America.” Read more

Aid for Fiji

The first military shipment of emergency supplies from Australia touched down in Fiji last night, as the nation begins its recovery from Cyclone Evan. has more.

Criminal lawyer to look at patient deaths

The Queensland Government has appointed a top criminal lawyer to decide whether doctors should be charged over patient deaths. After former Medical Board investigator Jo Barber made allegations about medical malpractice, retired judge Richard Chesterman opened an investigation. Read more on Ninemsn.

Lake Eyre or Kati Thanda

Lake Eyre, in the heart of Australia, now has two names after the Arabana people successfully convinced the Geographical Names Unit to recognise the name Kati Thanda, the name their elders used to use for the lake. The saltpan will now have the name Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre. Read more.

Shortage of cancer drug

Makers of cancer drug Xeloda have pleaded with doctors not to start new patients on the medication due to a shortage. Increasing demand has led the manufacturer to ask oncologists to consider alternative therapies where possible. Read more.