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Presidents Letter

President’s Annual Report 2019

Carlingford Ladies Probus has a membership of thirty members despite losing Faye Osterlund and Robyn Williamson early in the year. However, we were pleased to welcome Judy McShane, Wendy Hatton, Patricia Sturgiss and Jeanette Bailey into our midst.

Unfortunately, we were sorry to be saying our farewells to Colleen Edwards at our Christmas luncheon. Colleen had been a very active member of our club, contributing as Assistant Treasurer, President and Welfare Officer. Colleen’s husband, Noel, had also willingly helped as our honorary auditor. They will both be dearly missed.

I would like to thank each of the Management Committee Officers for their contribution to the success of our club. Firstly, to Robyn for support as Secretary; to Jenny for exemplary book keeping; to Daphne and Sandra Flower for organising an interesting variety of outings; to Pat for organising speakers who stimulated our minds and extended our knowledge; and to Yvonne for compiling a monthly newsletter that informs as well as entertains the reader. I would also like to mention the contribution that Colleen Edwards made as Welfare Officer. It is important that the club membership be kept informed of the welfare of its members. I must also thank Sandra Townley and Dorothy for their help as assistants to the secretary and treasurer.

I would also like to formally thank the committee and Yvonne O’Brien for their sterling efforts during my absence for four months. When I returned in September, I was honoured to surprise Yvonne with life membership as recognition of her outstanding contributions to the club.

Our attendance at Cluster meetings has been most worthwhile. The opportunity for sharing of outings, venues, guest speaker contacts, and procedures is most worthwhile. From this forum, contact with Eastwood Ladies Probus has been established and the possibility for attendance at theatre parties and extended trips.

We are very fortunate to have this wonderful venue for our meetings. I would like to thank Muirfield Golf Club for allowing us access to these facilities.

Lastly, I would like to thank each of you for being the person you are. Even though you may not be on committee, you all play a part in making our club a happy and friendly one.

Finally, thank you for the privilege of serving as your President. I wish our new President and the incoming committee members a happy and satisfying term of office.

I declare all positions vacant and ask Yvonne Clarke to conduct the election of the new committee.